Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 9

1 Over the weekend, read to page 136.  You WILL have a quiz Monday.

Since most of you are not reading at home  }:-/
I will have to give you most of the period today to read and we won't watch the movie.  We will read part of the period tomorrow and then watch the movie.
However, if it becomes clear to me that you haven't all read to at least page 120, we won't watch the movie tomorrow, either.

We will continue reading through Demian and watching the film East of Eden and drawing comparisons between the film and the novel.  In particular:

  • How is Cal different from Aaron?
  • Why does Adam reject Cal?
  • In what ways is Sinclair similar to Cal?
  • In what ways does Cal follow the god Abraxas more than the black and white world view?
  • What examples do we have that Cal is a good person?

Vocabulary for Friday's quiz:
Demian vocab chapters 5 and 6

Most of you will also want to read Sparknotes, too.
Here's the Sparknotes link: Demian

Here's a link to the Pre-Raphaelite painting of Beatrice.

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