Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 7, 2012!

We'll leave our discussion of the election, but let me just say that I think it's amazing that the polls were so accurate.  Wow.  It also blew me away to see how early they were able to predict if a state would go to Obama or Romney.

The Secret Life of Bees--The Black Madonna

Vocabulary for Friday's quiz is found at this Google Doc
I'd like you to read two articles on the Black Madonna for tomorrow
     Black Madonna article 1
The Masthead and Our Lady of Chains article 2

Wikipedia article on Black Power

Write 1 paragraph describing a character from the novel.
Lily, T.Ray, Rosaleen, August, store clerk, Franklin (evil racist), June, May, etc.
1st sentence: state what he or she is like.
2nd sentence: quote a specific example from the book that supports your idea  citing the page number.
3rd sentence: explain what the example reveals about the character

1. Rosaleen loves Lily.
2. We can tell that she loves Lily because she makes her a birthday cake.  We read, "I made this here cake for you so you wouldn't feel alone today" (35).
3. Rosaleen would only go to this much trouble if she loved Lily.

4th sentence: optional sum up of the point you've made
you may give another example
Here's a hilarious Calvin and Hobbes comic strip that has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about in here, but, all the same, it's pretty amusing, and don't we all need a bit of that in our lives?
Another Calvin and Hobbes What are you really learning? If you're just striving to learn facts and get by on your tests, are you really learning anything? Strive to learn more,  more than just "facts".

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