Thursday, August 30, 2012

Welcome to Junior English!

It's been a few years since I've taught Junior English, so that will make this year quite a bit of fun for all of us since I'll be bringing a lot of energy to the course.  Since Sophomore English is American Lit, I view this course as World lit, and that means that a lot of the things that we will read come from Britain and some of them from France and Germany (translations, of course!)  We will do a lot of writing in here in preparation for the OAKS Writing Test, which you have to pass to graduate  :~ /

I promise that I'll try my hardest to make the writing relevant so that you won't say, "Man, I'm never going to use any of this stuff I'm learning later in life."  You will be writing throughout your lives--writing resumes, letters to co-workers, love letters (heh, heh), and countless other things.  No one will ever know your great thoughts if you can't express them.  In this class you will learn to express them.

So, the year begins! 

The first thing I'd like you to do is to go to  the "Handouts" tab, open the syllabus, and print it.  Then read it, sign it, and have your parent or guardian sign it.  Detach the part at the bottom (keep the rest) and bring it to class by Friday.  Thanks!